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    COLORFLARE 高端覆膜燙印一體機

    Product number:CP39

    The Intec ColorFlare is a compact and environmentally-friendly, dual laminator and foil-flaring device, designed to offer an in-house decorative effects solution forshort-run, on demand digital applications, as well as lamination for traditionallitho output too! With the ability to laminate and foil-flare straight out ofthe box, and with minimal training, this high-quality production unit willsoon start earning its keep - and you a great reputation!
    Buying links

    Advanced dual process for laminationand foil flaring technologies for digitalapplications

    Multiple jobs and flaring effects arepossible with just 1 machine

    No need to have traditional UV coating for diverse effects

    Environmentally-friendly Simple in-house process


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